Wednesday, December 14, 2005

is this some kind of new age chain letter??

(i included this picture of me so you can imagine that i'm actually talking to you as you read this. i am, in fact, waxing poetic. or something)

ok. as per sheena (and cupcake's) request, here are seven songs "i am into". let me preface this by saying that i have (what some have been known to call) eclectic (or really weird) taste in music. i play classical music a lot, but don't listen to it. i also try to avoid any and all radio stations. that being said, here we go.

1) going to georgia - atom and his package (and also the one by the mountain goats, although the mg's version is a little heavy on the despair and lighter on the funny than the atom and his package version). i definitely try to start every day by listening to that song.

2) no children - the mountain goats (this song is about a bad marriage. now, let me be clear. i am not NOT in a bad marriage, nor do i think that if i were i would like this song. it's a sad song, but musically is friggin awesome... much like all of the mountain goats songs. (i also love broom people, by the same band).

3) sad eyed lady of the lowlands - bob dylan (i am a huge (in thirty point font) fan of bobby zimmerman, and this is one of my faves at the moment. i also love absolutely sweet marie a lot).

4) laid - james (i never knew what this song was called but always loved it when it played on bar jukeboxes. now i know what it's called and we own it and it makes my life about twenty times better. it should really be three times as long as it is).

5) white rabbit - jefferson airplane (another one that shoudl be much longer than it is. my friend's band Brazztree (on itunes if you're interested, but not the cover) does an awesome cover. way better than the original, i promise).

6) fanfare for the common man - copeland (awesome awesome awesome. that's all i can say. also that w.g. snuffy walden stole a good chunk of this piece for his West Wing Theme Song. bastard).

7) you were always on my mind - ryan adams and the cardinals (i love the original, and realized my longstanding love whilst watching the levi's commercial that ruined the song, but this cover is pretty damned good. i wish he'd played it at the concert i went to. oh well. c'est la vie, n'est pas?)

there they are. no order. no sense. and i'm drunk. so there.

I LOVE WORK HOLIDAY PARTIES! so much awkwardness, so much wine, so much sushi. mmmmmmmmm. am i supposed to do actual work now?

oh. i tag gil, josh, oh who am i kidding. no one reads this piece of shit.


Anonymous said...

You need therapy. Although your song selections were somewhat amusing and well chosen, you obviously have your head lodged firmly in your ass. As for not being in a marriage at all, you AGAIN have your head in your ass. Do you not remember the vows? Do you not remember the rose bearers, the idea that we stole from "Coming to America?" "What is that velvet?" Do you not remember your promise to love and cherish me forever and ever? F-bomb you. I've had enough. You're fired.
-Nicole 4 EVA

claire said...

wow. i think i know who this is, and i'm still a little scared.

Henry said...

Well I started reading this piece of shit after I saw the Chuck Norris post. And all I have to say is if you wrote that, you are a comedic genius. Word is born.

claire said...

sadly, i didn't write the chuck norris thing. although if i had i'd be frightened for my job security because i think it probably took a full day to write.

but thanks for the vote of confidence.