Tuesday, October 31, 2006

the thing de la resistance

This weekend was a trifecta of fun: my dad was here visiting from LA, toby was here visiting from north toby, and AND it was halloween weekend. you can see more and better photos here and here, but above is a nice tableau of our saturday night. on the far left you'll see a mummy with an erection, next to him is meagan. she's nice. then there's ian as a monkey, me as rosie the riveter, and a pumpkin. the pumpkin was the life of the party, obviously.

On Friday night Dad, Toby, and Seth came to our soccer game - playing in the freezing rain sure was fun: i can only imagine how much fun it was to stand on the sidelines. Super fun, i'd imagine.

Saturday Dad and I went to the Dylan exhibit at the Morgan Library - the exhibit was pretty good - lots of listening booths and old guitars and yearbook entries and stuff, and the library itself is absolutely gorgeous. I highly recommend. Then we returned to brooklyn, had a nap, hopped in a rental car, and went to manhattan to buy a new tv. On the way to the best buy, I held the door open for Ryan Adams. pretty pretty pretty good.

Armed with our new tv (and aquarium dvd) we prepared for the evening's festivities. Costumes were worn, beer was imbibed, and then we went to the bigger party downstairs which, after a false start, turned out to be pretty fun. Sunday involved an early brunch and then an hours-long walk through prospect park. then I put dad on the A train, took a nap, saw Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-d, watched Lost, talked to Sheena until all hours of the night and went to bed. All in all a fantabulous weekend. Thanks, dad, for coming to visit!

pictures thanks to toby.


Anonymous said...

When I saw that photograph of Seth on Josh's site I assumed that the dude next to him was a complete stranger ... and I thought it was very, very funny. In fact, I'm going to go on thinking that Seth didn't know the guy and the guy didn't know Seth in order to continue finding it very, very funny. I hope you (or your dad) don't/doesn't mind.

claire said...

yes. it is much much better if you think the two men in the photo don't know each other. i mean, of all the places along the side of the field to stand, they'd obviously gravitate towards each other. each under his own umbrella. moving closer and closer together. until, at last, they'd have to acknowledge each others' existence.