Friday, February 09, 2007

this is, ummmm, awesome

So this is incredible - the Norwegian government is funding the construction of a huge underground vault to hold a seed bank. First of all, this is a fantastic idea, as we are on the brink of destroying the planet. The next time a tsunami comes through and wipes out a seed bank in a single country, this vault can be used to replenish. Also, it's deep enough in the arctic mountains that nuclear war, radiation, ice sheets melting, shouldn't have an adverse effect on the structure or the viability of the seeds.

I feel like I'm in some kind of weird futuristic movie. Like Deep Impact, where we march by twos to the underground vault to wait out the meteor crash. Except it's just seeds. Sucks to the people.

The picture above is an artist's rendition of what the vault will look like. The design looks a little like the underground part of the pyramids. Again, awesome.

picture courtesy of

Also, is anyone really surprised that the Pentagon made things up? I'm surprised it took this long for it to come out.

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