My boss brought in her kid, Hudson, on Halloween. He's dressed as a Whosit (apparently this is the latest IT (and i don't mean ebay) toy for infants). he is a-dor-able.
I got to babysit and put him to sleep. luckily, he woke up every time I put him down. So I got to walk around carrying a baby all day. Needless to say, not a lot of work got done on Tuesday.
A few of us DID wear costumes for a little bit. There was a pony replete with giant paper machiere head, rosie (of course) the riveter, and i think a combo "rockstar" and charlie chaplin. i dont' know what was going on. he's bulgarian. i didn't ask questions. i'm sorry i don't have a picture of that one for you. it was... umm.... special.
now I'm trying to write something to inspire my boss and an old prof to write fantastic letters of recommendation. I've already tried bribes. apparently that's in poor taste.
wish me luck!
Thank you. Good luck. Just stress to them that if they enjoying living, they will say nice things.
A toy's actually called a whos-it? I got make babies toys. That sounds like an easy job.
That is one cute moggy. Too bad his name is of the lame persuasion. What are they going to call him? Huddy? Hud? You can't call a baby HUD. That is the government department on housing and urban development.
Did he have a blue hat? Whoozits have blue faces. And big red noses.
If they let me carry a baby around all day, I would never leave this job.
his full name is hudson mckinley.
they just took a big whoozit and made it into a sandwhich board-type thing.
it was pretty effing cute.
i forgot the best part.
his middle name is Tor.
That's like a River, a God, and a President.
Or an explorer, a gate, and a mountain.
This is the kind of child who is not just going to be plopped down in front of the Bob the Builder videos. I can see it.
watch out seth. i think she's up to something.
furthermore, mckinley? don't get me started on president mckinley.
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