so I may have made a terrible mistake.
our apartment is very (very) very cold. in addition to that, I have no form of heating device in my bedroom. no steam pipe. no radiator. so I rely on ambient heat from the rest of the apartment to make sure my room is above 31 degrees at night. I know that, after talking to people who live in the apartment, people who used to live in the apartment, etc., that I should have bought a space heater right when I moved in. But I thought I was stronger than that. I was wrong.
Night before last was the first really cold night we had, and I wrapped myself in huge wool socks, flannel pants, and a hooded sweatshirt (hood pulled up over my head). I stopped myself from wearing gloves. Didn't work. But you can imagine me, my need for the air around my head to not be warm keeping my face exposed. My icicle nose inspiring me to cover my face, which leads to the hyperventilation and panic attacks. Awesome.
Last night was only slightly better, as I piled blankets on the bed and put a pillow over the window to block out as much cold air as I could.
Yesterday at work I bought a space heater. But, bargain shopper that I am, opted for the "super saver shipping" without thinking about how long that would take.
Estimated time of arrival? December 18. Yeeeeeaaaahhhh. I'm going to invest in a wood pile.
**Update** because I am an idiot, I needed Kathleen to scream at me: "why don't you just cancel the order and buy a heater on your way home, r-tard?" Which I did. and I will. Thanks, Kathleen.