Monday, May 21, 2007

Proof of Fun

Yesterday, as Josh has mentioned, Josh, Seth, and I went to the New York Aquarium and Coney Island (Coney meaning rabbit. I guess there were once rabbits on the "island"?). Here are the boys posing in front of said aquarium.

Look how cute and happy they are to see the giant walrus and the jellyfish and the adorable sea otters!!

Also, we were at the beach, so I had them pose in front of the ocean.

The photos are from my phone, and I can't seem to get them bigger, but you can see the joy and excitement in their eyes. It's almost as if they KNEW we would see a sperm whale battle a giant squid.

She's no Beedog, but she's still pretty cool.

Happy Birthday Sheena!! Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, do they even HAVE birthdays in New Hampshire? I assure you that they do, and that today is the day that belongs to our far away best friend Sheena. Unfortunately, we cannot celebrate WITH Sheena, as she is so so far away. BUT BUT we CAN drink alone in our room pretending Sheena is with us, crying and moaning, while the cat stares at us and judges. Well, that's what I'm probably going to do after work. I mean, his own decisions, right? right guys?

Anyway, I'm hoping that Sheena has a better time than that, with a nice dinner chez Mohan and/or drinking at Harlow's with her Peterborough crew. Either way, we will be together in spirit, as per usual. Just because she's in a different state doesn't mean we don't still share the one brain cell.

In conclusion, Sheena is a land of contrasts, and is also now in her late twenties. Welcome!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Erin is the birthday boy AND girl

Today is the lovely Erin's birthday. Happy Birthday Erin!!! Let us all bask in the glow that is Erin!