Monday, October 12, 2009

We ran long, and then we stopped.

So Joy and I (and Becca, but it was old hat for her (congrats on finishing sub-2hr!!)) ran a half-marathon yesterday on Staten Island.

did you know that 13.1 miles is also 21.1 kilometers? I feel like the conversions between those two distances should be different, but what do I know?

Joy ran like a champ and apparently was happy and smiling as she flew across the finish line. I, on the other hand, saw Seppo and Josh at mile 12 and promptly started crying, which will really throw off your breathing pace, let me tell you. I did, however, sprint the last quarter mile, which felt great and made me forget about all the different pain centers in my body.

In the end, despite the pain and stiffness, I'm pretty happy about attempting and completing such a long race - not sure I'll do it again, but definitely glad I did it.

In official news, I finished below the 50% mark (41.8%, to be precise) in my gender group. I also tied a 70-year-old Brooklyn man, so that was exciting.

There will be pictures to follow, don't worry.

Thanks to the boys for coming and cheering us on. That was totally awesome.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Forty Eight in Oh Nine

So a few weeks ago, I went to see a new neurologist. This new neurologist (no names, I learned my lesson last time) suggested that what I had been having were not actually ocular migraines, but were perhaps, instead, occipital seizures. My first reaction was positive, but within a few seconds I realized he was talking about MY brain. not some brain in a journal article somewhere.

cut to today, when the installation of my ambulatory EEG happened.

This here is me waiting for the event to happen. See, this whole thing is still funny at this point.

soon, however, it became decidedly not funny.

notice the flammable liquids signs. yes. that's the glue they are using to attach these things to my head. THEY get to wear a mask. I do not.

Here we are getting towards the end. I am no longer amused.

The finished product was not as egg-heady as i was expecting, and the wrapping on the forehead is definitely not comfortable.

you'll notice the awesome bag i get to carry. the cat was sniffing at it and then leaped backwards as if shocked by something.

more in vivo photos to follow, never fear.

Monday, February 23, 2009

the email subject was "claire and the antler head"

I see no reason to mess with literary magic (thanks, lynne)

I met this little fellow on Saturday afternoon, 14th street at about 6th ave. Really, really, really wanted to pet his head. obviously.

the real fear, of course, was not that the guy would notice me running down the street after him, but that he'd stop walking, and I would go ahead and plow right into him. I relied on my sashay skills to keep my speed equal to his. I think, overall, the mission was a success.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

So I have not posted on this thing in a while. Funnily, the thing that inspired me to start again was yet another mean comment someone wrote on that doctor post from 2006. Really, it just reminded me that yes, I did once have a blog, and maybe my life is interesting enough at this point to start writing in it. Although, I'm pretty sure every one of my readers (all 2 of them) have taken me off their RSS feeds. Oh well.

So here's my test.

Is anyone out there? and Commenter John, I don't want to hear from you. talk about someone wasting their time.