Monday, January 28, 2008

say it

So it has been quite some time since I posted on this here blog thing. For a while I was busy with my first semester of grad school, but toby, josh, and gil all manage to maintain their founts of funniness during grad school, so I suppose it's not much of an excuse.

Mostly I'd given up on my ability to write things a) that anyone would read, b) that anyone would actually enjoy reading, c) that didn't blow.

I'm still not too sure, but I'll give it a try this semester.

This past week I spent with my parents, mostly hanging out in their hotel room as first dad then mom came down with an evil flu/cold. luckily (knock wood) I have not been afflicted.

Then we traveled down to DC to see my sister's singing group perform ( as always, they blew me away. oh, we also went to visit Colbert's portrait in the National Portrait Gallery, which was really the only thing we had planned for the visit. It was a very nice week and a nice ending to my winter vacation. so now it's back to the old grind stone for me - one semester down, 9 semesters to go!!

1 comment:

J said...

No, grad school is not an excuse.

I am a full time student, a part-time lover and an assistant secretary of weights and means, and I still find time to blog.

Come on.