Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

So I have not posted on this thing in a while. Funnily, the thing that inspired me to start again was yet another mean comment someone wrote on that doctor post from 2006. Really, it just reminded me that yes, I did once have a blog, and maybe my life is interesting enough at this point to start writing in it. Although, I'm pretty sure every one of my readers (all 2 of them) have taken me off their RSS feeds. Oh well.

So here's my test.

Is anyone out there? and Commenter John, I don't want to hear from you. talk about someone wasting their time.


tobs said...

this guy.

cc said...

you're on my bloglines. i thought this was going to be a phantom post. but i was wrong.

did you ever buy that dresser?

Anonymous said...

tell the truth, I found your description of the office funny,and dead on, but did not understand the rest. I was just looking for her phone number. Rock star wants to know if you're into girls. She certainly is,and she drinks enough wine to supply Tuscany for a summer,so you could be two kindred spirits. Have a lovely day.

Anonymous said...

you're on my rss!

claire said...

cc, i didn't buy that dresser, i got a heywood wakefield instead, so no build-it-yourself-ness.

OK. so there are at least three of you. if something interesting happens to happen to me, I'll try to make something interesting happen here.