cut to today, when the installation of my ambulatory EEG happened.
This here is me waiting for the event to happen. See, this whole thing is still funny at this point.
soon, however, it became decidedly not funny.
Here we are getting towards the end. I am no longer amused.
The finished product was not as egg-heady as i was expecting, and the wrapping on the forehead is definitely not comfortable.
you'll notice the awesome bag i get to carry. the cat was sniffing at it and then leaped backwards as if shocked by something.
more in vivo photos to follow, never fear.
Claire--no one can pull off an ambulatory EEG like you can.
There's a bag? Is it like a ghost trap? Does it hold gadgets?
Your egg head doesn't look to bad, looks more like you were in a motorcycle accident, which will definitely impress chicks.
its ok, just think of those wires as a backwards unicorn horn. All your dreams are coming true!
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