Wednesday, September 14, 2005

March of the Crazies

Apparently the Christian right has latched onto the movie March of the Penguins as a new Passion of the Christ, claiming it promotes Christian values such as monogamy and lends credence to the theory of intelligent design.

Now, I saw March of the Penguins. It was a laser of cute to my heart. Penguins are ridiculous looking animals but man are they adorable. and the babies? good god. don't get me started.

Let's get some things straight about penguins. First of all, they are monogamous EACH SEASON. This means that, while they only mate once a season and raise whatever chick might result from that mating, they don't go back to the same partner the next year. They find someone new each year. This ensures the propagation of the group because there is more genetic diversity. So, does this mean that the Christian right would be ok with yearly monogamous relationships? I mean, we'd obviously have to have kids out of wedlock (or marry and divorce once a year) in order to maintain the genetic diversity, right? And hope that seagulls didn't eat our babies?

I think we might be anthropomorphizing these birds, and I don't think they like it.

A film professor at Boston college goes a bit farther. "You get a sense of these animals - following their natural instincts - are really exercising virtue that for humans would be quite admirable," he said. "I could see it as a statement on monogamy or condemnation of gay marriage or whatever the current agenda is."

WHAT?? It's a movie about birds! They follow the same path every year because they're migratory. All birds are migratory. That's just the way they've EVOLVED.

I just feel like I'm taking crazy pills is all.

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