Monday, July 31, 2006

weekend of shock and awe. part I

This weekend was one of wonder and amazement. To the left you can see my cousins, Matthew and Daniel, a mere 14 rows behind home plate while we watched the Devil Rays kick the Yankees in the can. Man that was a great game. Below you will see my uncle Steve.
This is uncle steve. He looks just like my dad. Handsome devil, isn't he?

Saturday was also Sarah's birthday. Happy Birthday Sarah! Here she is, so happy at the Astoria Beer Gardens. After a lengthy subway ride and an even lengthier wait in the line (don't worry, i had a book to read), Andy and I got to join the gang of idiots (well, some of them, anyway) and drink my share of beer. Before our arrival, Seth had made his entrance with a box of Munchkins (as a birthday present, i presume) and was stopped by the security professional, Gold Tooth (I call him Gold Tooth because he had, you guessed it, a gold tooth. and was very much into his job). Gold Tooth told Seth he could NOT bring his munchkins in. So Seth, being a reasonable fellow, said, "ok, that's fine Gold Tooth, can I just leave the box here, behind this tree?" Gold Tooth was amenable, and Seth was allowed to enter. Now, Erin (of whom i have no pictures from this party, sorry) saw the aforementioned exchange and decided to go ninja and rescue said Munchkins. She pulled out all of her spy moves and successfully brought the munchkins to the table, after which they were eaten. The picture below was taken right after Gold Tooth walked by our table and saw the empty box of munchkins. I believe he asked Andy, "Who ate the fucking munchkins?" Andy demured. Seth looked on. Gold Tooth was hurt. Then I took a picture of him.

that might have been a mistake.

immediately he started yelling at me to erase the picture (which i did), and then proceeded to demand my camera so he could scroll through and make sure that i had, in fact erased the picture (way to go, Gold Tooth. you missed THIS one!).

Seth and Sheena (while intoxicated) thought this was hilarious.


J said...

I am very dissapointed that you have no pictures of me.

What's with that?

Also, I will never stop being impressed by Erin stealing the munchkins back. I think she is tired of hearing about this.

Anonymous said...

What can I say? Something about 6 hours of beer-drinking inspires me to carry out covert operations in the spirit of transgressive behavior.

Okay. Maybe not. Probably I just wanted a munchkin.

claire said...

well, to be fair, the camera didn't come out until you and erin had made your escape. i forgot i had it until about fifteen minutes before we left. a lot of pictures were taken in fifteen minutes.

yes. the munchkin coup was amazing. and tasty. poor Gold Tooth. I don't think he'll ever recover.

Anonymous said...

Claire, nice work using the word "ninja" as a verb. Well done.