Monday, October 23, 2006

7-alarm vindaloo, or how i became a non-vegetarian

As some of you may know, I've given up my quasi vegetarian status and have gone back to eating all kinds of meat after about 13 years.

It has been an interesting journey. Will said I should document it here because it amused him so very much. So, will, this is for you:

I'll do a step by step, multi-post documentation of my fall back onto the meaty wagon.

I've been contemplating going back into the fold for a while, but made the decision to actually go for gold when, during the last service of yom kippur this year, i couldn't stop thinking about a big juicy hamburger. now, i know, after 24 hours of fasting you're guaranteed to be thinking about food but this was the first time in my 13 veggie years that i actually was fantasizing about meat. i took that as a sign.

the most interesting part of this conversion is the reaction i get from friends, family, and acquaintences. people fall into two camps: they're either really excited, or they're confused bordering on angry. and i'm getting tired of explaining why i decided to go back to eating meat (because i want to) and why i stopped in the first place (my aunt adopted us a cow, she was killed (the cow, not my aunt), i stopped eating beef. then mcdonalds had a commercial with an opera singing chicken and i stopped eating everything else). apparently i'm now more interested in the taste of food, than the provenance of said food.

next time, i'll discuss our trip to white castle and my first taste of lamb.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to my world.
All meat, all the time.

Anonymous said...

Although I'll miss having you on my team, I still believe a person should eat what she wants to eat. If you didn't get those cows, someone else would, after all.

J said...

When you say Seth is "taking you to the opera", do you mean that he is taking you to see the opera singing chicken?

I'm taking Erin to see truckasaurus sing Fog Hat.

Did you know someone named Ricardo something created Comparative Advantage Theory? I can't remember his first name. Oh when will the IPE dreams end??

claire said...

well, as of this moment, I'm taking Seth to the opera.

and it IS an opera-singing chicken. my life has come full circle. we will follow the opera-singing chicken up with some chicken rings from white castle.

Anonymous said...

i'm a bit late commenting here, but thank god. seriously, who's going to get rid of the chicken infestation if not you? also, almost all the yogurt here has acidophilus (or however you spell it) in it. and if you haven't read the omnivore's dilemma, i highly recommend it. that book was made for you.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea! I remember the day you and Ali called, sobbing. When I finally got you to tell me what was wrong, one of you gasped, "Doris is dead!" Doris? I thought, quickly running through lists of aunts and cousins. "Doris who? I asked." "Doris our cow!" Culled from the herd...damn those heartless fiends at Stoneyfield Farms!

Glad you've recovered from the trauma.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i just saw fast food nation. you should go back to being a vegetarian.

claire said...

well, i'm still not eating at fast food restaurants. sooooo.... i think i'm ok.