Wednesday, October 04, 2006

is this what you find at the end of a rainbow?

Some of you may remember this little guy. He is the personification of the smell in our office bathroom.

He's baaaaaack. The airfreshener has been replaced in the loo, and it's back to bubblegum for us. This time, however, it's bubblegum mixed with, ooh how do you say it again? oh, right. sewage.

So really the picture should look like this:

Also, we have a lot of Columbia classes in the rooms next to the bathroom (part of the cleanliness/smell issue). I'm sorry. Isn't Columbia supposed to be a "good school" with "smart students" who know how not to "piss all over the toilet seat"?

well, i guess they took that out of the curriculum. it's a shame. they could use a refresher course.


gilhouse said...

this is a very appropriate post because i just finished a calculus exam with "smart" students, and i have never been so incredibly dissapointed with the admissions processes at ivy league institutions. well, i have until now never been in such a place, so i suppose the point is moo.

anyhow, i have stories to share about the caliber of our present-day ivy leaguers: firstly, while waiting for the professor to hand out the exam, two meatheads came into the room and one sat next to me. upon realizing that he had a soft chair, he turned to me and exclaimed, "DUDE! this seat TOTALLY has a cushion on it!!!!!" then he made those noises that surfers do they go...? hmmm, well, it sounded like awww, aww aww awww. like keanu reaves-esque. got it? anyhow, i almost shit myself. immediately after this profound excercise in verbaliciousness, douchebag number two walked over to douchbag number one and said, "dude, were you in econ this morning? man, you should have been because i really ripped one! yeah, it was right in the beginning of class!" awww awww awwww.

i have never laughed to myself any harder then i did after hearing these two sorry-sacks verbally pee into each other's mouths, and it pretty much made me ashamed to go to a "good" school. where do these assbutts come from? totally reminds me of when toby was in class and that southern guy yelled "that's how we roll" when the discussion turned to local swamps.

awww awww awww

J said...

Brilliant! (Gross)

Anonymous said...

Oh bubblegum leprechaun, come work your magic on the Upper East Side...

Anonymous said...

PS. Will, post on your own blog! Include pictures of camping! Remember when we went camping?

tobs said...

remember when will had a website?

will, i don't even know who you are anymore.

claire, i sort of know who you are, because you have a website. i live in north carolina. i mean, give me something i can use. turdburgler?

Anonymous said...

Lucky's not looking so charmed anymore...

I also went to a good school, not Ivy, but good like Vassar, and the number one reason we had to have house meetings revolved around something going on in the bathrooms. Either general nastiness you would not think a bunch of intelligent young women living together were capable of, or someone vomitting in the showers after meals, or the semester someone was smearing feces on one of the stalls in the bathroom. I feel like that is pretty indicative of the level of mental health around campus.

Can't wait for the reunion!

J said...

I find that comforting Will 'cause while I so far like pretty much everyone in my classes, there's this one douche who is so retarded. The professor called on him and asked his opinion-not an answer, just his OPINION-and he was like "duh."

This would be fine in college, pretty much everyone goes to college. But you have to make a choice to go to grad school which is extremely expensive and none of your friends are there. Why would do that if you're only going to be such a retarded idiot?