Tuesday, November 07, 2006

never have I ever

Today is Election day. This is exciting for two reasons:
a) I have no work today.
b) I get to vote in New York for the first time.

which leads me to a problem. I've never voted using a lever thing. In California, we punch out the appropriate holes. It's very easy.

I'm nervous about the lever thing. God, I hope I don't vote for Pat Buchanan by accident.

UPDATE**** so the voting machine was broken. I had to use an emergency ballot. No lever for me this year. I'll have to wait until '08. Sorry, Pat. Maybe next time.


Anonymous said...

A confession for Claire (and all her blog-readers):

Although I have ALWAYS voted in New York, I have never used the lever either. I have voted absentee every year. This means I've never punched nor pulled, but rather made little Xs on a HUGE sheet of paper.

Some day, Claire! We will pull those levers! Pat Buchanan will not know what hit him.

Anonymous said...

I hate to rub it in, since 2008 is a long time from now, but the levers are super fun. It's the funnest part of voting. Chads can bite my ass. When I was a kid my Dad used to let me go into the voting booth to pull the levers. Of course, he also let me vote for School Committee Members.

This is a happy story.

Anonymous said...

i got to use the motherfucking lever. and all the little toggles. this was my first time voting with the lever though - in small/rich town awesomechusetts, we only had the option of the big piece of paper. and then the big piece of paper went into a box. the box had a hand crank and a bell, but i believe that you were not allowed to turn the crank yourself. i envied that old lady, ringing the bell.

Anonymous said...

What? You get levers? In Australialand it is just a ballot and a box. But it is compulsory...otherwise you get fined.