Friday, July 20, 2007

summer of claire

Josh: this is for you.

So this past Monday saw the beginning of the summer of claire. By that, of course, I mean that I quit my job, and have nothing on the horizon until school starts last week of August. Now, that's not to say I don't have goals for the summer of claire. Oh no. In fact, I'm pretty close (I'd say three hours or so) to finishing my first goal of the summer: watching the first season of The Wire. Followed closely (obviously) by watching the second season of The Wire.

Also, I have visited the newly installed Dinner Party by Judy Chicago at the Brooklyn Museum - definitely worth a looksee, although I'd wait until after August 3rd, because there's a companion exhibit that looks good opening then.

Aside from those things, I've been doing a lot of walking around both Manhattan and Brooklyn and this is what I've realized - a) there are a lot of babies b) there are a lot of camp kids c) school trips from out of town are really annoying when you're trying to walk down the sidewalk and they're looking up at the buildings and stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. There are others, but those are the first ones that come to mind. All in all, a nice beginning to the summer.

1 comment:

J said...

Well that is one handsome fellow.

Just be careful you don't get strep throat. We all know how well the summer of Josh went...