Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Come on get culture.

Ok. i have two dorchestra concerts coming up. if anyone is interested.

the first is this saturday, december 3rd at 8pm.
it's with the, wait for it, Chamber Orchestra of Science and Mathematics. yup. they put the dorch back in dorchestra. for reals.
8pm at the Church at Lincoln Center (i have no idea where that is, but i'll find out tonight and you can ask me later). we're playing Mozart's violin concerto in a minor, a schubert piece, and beethoven's eroica symphony. it'll probably be pretty ok. fairly mediocre. nothing to write home about.
**Revision -- so i went to rehearsal last night, and this concert will actually be very good, musically. not the most interesting to watch, but very nice musically. and when i say we're playing a mozart violin concerto, i mean, obviously, a bach violin concerto.**

the REAL GOOD ONE is next friday, December 9th.
Riverside Orchestra (where the crazies go to die)
west 91st and Columbus, Trinity School
8pm children's concert (this is the one where they let the kids on stage to sit next to their favorite instruments and there's always the obnoxious redhead Hunter or something who hams it up for his parents and sits there, cross-legged, with his chin cupped in his palms, smiling. and he's like 16).
We're playing : Copeland's fanfare for the common man (which is awesome)
Weber's bassoon concerto (the soloist is the principle bassoon player for the ny philharmonic, and this is her dress rehearsal because she's playing this piece with the philharmonic this season - cool, huh?)
Sarasate's Gypsy Airs (a 14 year old boy is going to make me feel real bad about myself)
and Brahm's Academic Festival Overture (you can hear sheena singing gaudiamus igatur along with the piece, if you're lucky)

that's it. no more selling myself. i just thought someone would be interested.

it's culture, people.

plus i bought a new fancy dress.

1 comment:

Flushy McBucketpants said...

might be able to go to the one next friday. this saturday i'll be all up in vassar's grill falling asleep to chekhov...