Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Joys of Motherhood.

I've gotten some complaints. I know I've been remiss in my posting, and I apologize. I do hope I've not lost the two (maybe three) readers I had when this whole thing began.

That being said, I would like to discuss the joys of motherhood as experienced by me, a mother of three cats.
these are our three cats:

Gus is the ginormous one, Obediah is the orange one, and Appomattox is the one you can't really see because she's a gutter snipe.

Here are some more pictures of my cats.
Gus likes the booze.

Appomatox is sometimes scary.

and Obediah is not smart.

In their natural habitat our cats are hunters. they stalk their prey, kill to eat, bathe in the blood of their victims, yeowl at the moon every quarter or so, scare small children, possess those with weaker minds and force them to do their bidding, you know, the usual stuff.
sometimes they work alone, like ninjas.
sometimes they work together to take down the bigger game - and then they feast and laugh and laugh.

See how they took him down? they ran in circles and circles, threading their way through his legs, working in unison, never tiring, until at last, tired and confused, he fell. and he didn't get up. the cats, oh how they celebrated. oh the ululations. oh the tumultuous purr, err roar. and then they waited, just out of reach, until he finally gave up. then they put him on a spit and roasted him for a few hours. and then the feasting. and the drinking of blood (and beer). oh the good times.

i love our cats. they are awesome (and they can use the computer, so don't say anything bad about them because they'll read it and find out and come and get you while you sleep. and suck your soul out through your mouth. like a succubus. it's true. i've seen it happen. it's not pretty).


Anonymous said...

You think that picture's funny, do you?


Click on this.


That's right.

Take that.

Anonymous said...

You have way too much time on your hands sweetie

J said...

seriously, you need to update this stuff.