Friday, August 18, 2006

this has been a test of the emergency broadcast system. we now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

Hello. I'm trying to get back on this "blog" thing, but there has been a lot going on. We've been interviewing people at work to replace the many co-workers we've lost (may they rest in peace. or in medschool and on tour (, so I've been swamped trying to cram in all of THEIR work in addition to interviews and reading of applications.

Anyway, I just wanted to share some pictures of my cousin Rory, because it's been a while. There was talk of me finally meeting said cousin when I'm home next weekend, but they're going on vacation so I'm going to a friend's birthday party instead.

I've decided it is my mission whilst home to get all of my LA friends together so that they can be friends with each other. Mostly because my sister is now home with not a lot to do and my friends are good people and my sister is good people. so, you know, it makes sense.

here's a picture of ali. she's going to kill me. isn't she cute?!

Soooooo cute. Ali just graduated from college (Middlebury because she's smart too) and is now back at home for the summer, getting her legs, figuring out her next move. If only she didn't hate New York so much. Oh the adventures we'd have.


J said...

So your cousin is eating a corndog, yes?


Anonymous said...

ok in my defense i have things to do. and i have friends, a lot of friends in fact. they just all live on the other coast.

claire said...

hey. i never NEVER said you didn't have things to do and friends.

i just said that i also had friends in la and i thought you all should know each other.

they live on the correct coast. you should join them.

Stacy P said...

Sorry we are going to miss you, Cuz! I'd love for you to meet Rory - hopefully your paths will cross one of these days soon.

He's much cuter in person :) And yes, that is most definitely a corn dog. That thing was practically the size of his head and he still managed to inhale it in under 5 minutes (I managed to rescue the stick just in time!)

Have a safe trip home...


claire said...

For the record, I didn't mean to insinuate by the phrase "my sister is now at home with not a lot to do" that she is sitting at home every night crying waiting for the phone to ring. I simply meant that she has a few friends at home, and could use some more and my good people friends should meet my good people sister.

That is all.