Monday, January 29, 2007


This weekend was spent with mr. and mrs. Pomerantz in Pottstown, Pennsylvania (how do you like THEM alliterations? eh??). As you can imagine, much fun was had by all. We ate several amazing meals, saw Pan's Labyrinth, and slept, which is never a bad thing.

Here is Seth with his dad who was cold on our walk to the mall so he borrowed my scarf and seth's face mask.

This is Bear. You can't tell from this picture, but Bear happens to be the biggest dog I've ever seen. He's like the size of a small horse. His head comes up to my belly button. He's also awesome, although not the brightest bulb in the hallway. Sorry, Bear.

*post title came directly from deirdre.

1 comment:

Cupcake said...

Now that I have caught up on reading your blog, my awesome ability to predict the present in my dreams does not seem so awesome. Oh well.