Wednesday, January 03, 2007

subtract balm. plus stable.

So I returned to work today after a vacation of about a week and a half (which was fantastic and I want to go back right now), and I guess the sewage backed up in the bathroom? So our leprochaun friend is apparently living in a stable with horses (I haven't named him yet, but you can name the horse. Winner has a new leprochaun picture drawn with them in it.) in a stable filled with horse shit.

he still smells bad, but now he has bad smelling company.


Sheena said...

Hubert? Hubert the Horse?

Did I win?!?

Flushy McBucketpants said...
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Flushy McBucketpants said...

How about Spanky, the Incontinent Pony?

claire said...

ummmm, i'm going to wait until the idiots return from north toby, but i'm leaning towards hubert. sorry, will.

J said...

Poopers, the Brown Stallion

claire said...

you know what? i like all three names.

i'm drawing a super leprochaun picture.

i'm also pretty bored at work.

stay tuned.

Cupcake said...

Wow, I want to play. I love the ongoing adventures of our leprochaun friend.

How about, "Deeruns, the Old Black Mare"?