Monday, January 30, 2006

i am outraged.

So, when I was growing up the most exciting of tv events (aside from the oscars, i'm sorry i grew up in los angeles) was the olympics. Remember when Picabo Street was the coolest person ever! She got to name herself! and she chose the name Picabo!

Winter, Summer, didn't matter. my family gathered in front of the tv with our dinners (this was a big deal because dinner at the Golden house was a sacred event. no tv, no phone calls, no nothing), and we would watch the olympics all night long. Especially the winter olympics. i mean, it doesn't get better than that. there's figure skating, speed skating, skiing, the luge, the list goes on and on.

Apparently American Idol is expected to beat the Olympics in ratings this year. THE OLYMPICS!!! American Idol??? good god what is this world coming to??
(Full Story Here)


tobs said...

it is due to the general boringness of the winter olympics. unless there's another skategate.

claire said...

i've got your general boringness right here, bucko. hockey? CURLING? come ON it's AWESOME!! and if you ask sheena, the most exciting sport is nordic skiing.

J said...

I think it's more due to the general stupidity of the American TV viewing public.
The winter olympics are great for one word: internationalicehockey.
But downhill skiing is pretty cool too.
I also enjoy all the crazy national anthems during the opening ceremonies.

Flushy McBucketpants said...

The winter olympics still exist?