Thursday, January 05, 2006

...this is your fridge on drugs.

israeli drugs, of course.

delivered by my supplier, Sharon (it's a guy. he's israeli. are you noticing a trend?).

so i've discovered that my cousin richie is a mobster. a hummus mobster. he works for sabra and has finally made good on his threat to give me tons and tons of hummus. and also babaganoush.

if you're very nice, i might give you some, as we need room in the fridge for food.

in the meantime, we might smell strongly of garlic and tahini.


Anonymous said...


I met the Sabra man!

The actual Sabra truck that delivers to all the stores you know and love added Claire and Sheena's Apt. to their route.

I met the Sabra man!

He shook my hand and told me I could get more hummus from him!

It was so exciting!

Flushy McBucketpants said...

That is an ass-ton of hummus. You could put it all in a kiddie pool and bathe in it like the Israelites did in days of yore. Or you could make hummus pies and throw them at clowns... it helps get the blood out.