Monday, June 19, 2006

hello velo ...or... let's pump up the volume, pump up the jams

Yesterday, as Sheena and I were returning from Lowe's with our curtains, magnetic paint, chalkboard paint, etc. (we have many projects in the works right now. our apartment is an exciting place), we passed a stoop sale on 5th ave. Now, i (and sheena as well) have been coveting a bike for quite some time. what i really wanted was an awesome old cruiser, onto which i could attach a basket and carry dogs or baguettes or cats or what have you.

And so, huzzah, as we passed the stoop sale, i saw an awesome old 3-speed cruiser (pictured to the left). i asked how much it cost, talked the guy down to an even $50, and took my new bike home! now all i need is to get a) a helmet because i will kill myself on this bike b) get a bike lock and c) i need to pump up the volume and pump up the jams. and by "volume" and "jams" i mean the front and back tires. of course.

so wish me luck, friends, on this new adventure. sheena and i will be zooming all over brooklyn now. we really need some streamers for the handles.


Sheena said...

I'll be sitting on the handlebars... don't forget. And we'll strap at least two cats into the rear basket.

J said...

Can I ride it? Can I ride it down the stairs?

I read an article today about men doing serious nerve-damage their testical region and how men who bike a lot should get specially designed seats.

Seth I hope you're reading this.

Mozel tov on the bike.

Anonymous said...

I can hear the themesong from "Amelie" playing now!

-just a friend

tobs said...

i worry about damage to the grapes as well. find me a link to that article, josh.