Wednesday, June 28, 2006

oh sweet face analyzer, why do you hate me?

Thanks to Josh, I have been spending the last half hour (i should be on my way home now) playing with the Face Analyzer, which is tons of fun. The first photo I uploaded was my spider bite photo. here it is, in case the image has not been burned into your retina and does not haunt your dreams. or in case you're bridget and in need of a giggle.
Scary, right? So, according to this photo and, I am 92% Southern European (wrong)
8% Middle Eastern (wrong)
and my celebrity look-alike is Kelly Hu, who was Deathstrike in X-2 and is, yes, Asian. Also, apparently I have a "very low gay factor". thanks for that, guys.
my character type is a "beta academic" and apparently i am uninterested in, and bad at, relationships and social interactions. instead, i want to make lots of money.

so the next photo i used was this one:
Slightly better, but still not ideal. this time, however, they got more of it right. Now they claim that i'm 70% middle eastern (wrong) and 30% eastern european (now you're on the right track!). BUT my celeb look-alike is now Ashley Simpson. ummmm. yeah. i still have a "very low gay factor" and am still bad at social interaction. and, yes, i still want to make lots of money. at least some things stay the same, right?

Thank you josh.

**update** links are now fixed. who's the noob now??


J said...

I think you have a very high gay factor, in the good way.

Anonymous said...

Learn to post links, you noob.

Anonymous said...


I went to the site, Josh was on the main page. That was freaky. I believe he was at the top of "High Ranking Males". Way to go Josh!

tobs said...

i saw that too, but upon further inspection, he was high ranking for "honor" or some other category. the face analyzer does not indulge in "hot or not" type rankings. which is good... i was worried it would say i'm ugly.
sorry to disappoint, Biggs. you are merely high-ranking in honor.

J said...

Whatever, Biggs fucking rocks and all the ladie be knowing that shit. Exccept for actual ladies.