Wednesday, June 14, 2006

this is 168th street. have an incredible day.

As some of you may know, I had an incident with a spider bite a few years ago. Of course, as you can see to the left, the spider won. Similarly, I had an incident with a cold this past week. and I don't have a photo of it, but the cold definitely won. At some point during the weekend, I actually had mucus leaking out of my eyes. GROSS!

Anyway, I apologize profusely to anyone I may have infected. I blame my co-worker who came to work very sick about a week before I came down with the cold. She will pay. Do not worry. She. Will. Pay.

Good things DID come of the disgusting cold, however, as Andy and I played tons and tons of Katamari Damacy. Maybe one of the best and most original games ever. It's a single player game in which you roll a sticky ball around. Wait for it. The sticky ball picks up things. You start very small, picking up thumbtacks and paperclips, chocolate chips, etc. The more things you pick up, the bigger you get, the bigger the things you can pick up. So you move on to shoes, buckets, dogs, people, flowers, fences, cars, people, apartment buildings, islands, clouds, GIANT SQUID. It is so awesome. I tried to upload a picture of a katamari, but blogspot is being a douche. later, if you're lucky.

apologies for the lack of posting. it's a combo of non-interesting things and my complete lack of time during the day.

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