Thursday, June 01, 2006

picasa is the suck

So, on Monday night I uploaded all of my pictures from my weekend in j.crew land, in the county of abercrombie. Where was I, you ask? At Middlebury!

My little sister graduated from Middlebury College on Sunday. Congratulations!!

I don't know how many of you have ever visited Middlebury College, but it is for prepsters what Williamsburg was for hipsters about a year ago (before the douchey frat boys arrived). One of my sister's roomates' boyfriend arrived at the BBQ wearing nantucket red shorts, flip flops, and a polo shirt with a popped collar. a-mazing. Needless to say, I'm pretty well prepstered out.

They DID teach me how to play Beirut and my sister and I took on her friend (and her siblings) while both sets of parents watched and cheered. Surreal, yes? Later in the evening, my sister took me to a scary keg party (where I ended up vomiting behind the modular housing unit - not alcohol related, but no one will believe me). I met about a billion boys who look pretty much the same, and about a thousand girls wearing tiffany necklaces. Every single person I met was incredibly nice and personable. and they're all pretty smart too. All in all, an enjoyable weekend.
Congratulations to Ali again - she graduated with high honors, suma cum laude, and got the American Civilization Department prize (for highest GPA and most improved) and got a buttload in prize money. Now she can buy me the pony I've always wanted.

Anyway, I tried to post pictures of this BBQ on Monday night, but Picasa had an aneurism and it didn't work. I will try to post a picture or two later.


Stacy P said...

Cuz - Please tell your sis I said CONGRATS! And even MORE congrats on leaving the world of cookie cutter frat boys behind...


Anonymous said...

well all your hipster friends look the same to me too, they just have a stronger sense of personal angst, trying desperately to live an original life in a hopelessly mainstream world. Also, they probably wear more wristbands and buttons than my friends do. I loved having you at Midd though, and you know you love beirut.

claire said...

hey. did i say anything bad about any middlebury kids? nope. i liked them.

but we do have a lot of angst.