Friday, January 19, 2007

productive morning

As promised, here are the winners in a leprochaun picture. Instead of having them pose WITH the leprochaun, I've had them pose AS the leprochaun. Can you spot the secret special guest??

ps. sorry, will, I didn't have a picture of you on my computer. We'll just have to use our imagination. You are the leprochaun of my heart anyway. Do they have leprochauns in New Zealand?


Flushy McBucketpants said...

i can't believe this ended up in a three way tie. it was rigged. i just can't believe that hubert and spanky could possibly be on the same level.

incontinence claire. incontinence. is there anything more funnier?

also, new zealand has hobbits, not leprechauns.

claire said...

honestly I just couldn't decide. I do like the name hubert. I won't lie.