Friday, February 09, 2007

it's all coming back to me now

So, last Friday night we had Tera and Marty over for dinner. Much wine was drunk, also vermouth, absinthe, and beer. Maybe not the best decision making. Here are some illustrative photo-pictures The top one is Erin and myself trying to make my bed because I had had my laundry done that day and hadn't made it before the festivities began. Below you can see our new side project - the jugs with jugs band. There were, I promise, other people in the apartment. Sarah, Marty, Tera, and Josh also partook and did silly things. Some day we'll have evidence of that.


Hatty said...
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Hatty said...

i can attest i was there. i think at one point i held up a large, pink inflatable microphone to my mouth and told the group how i lost my virginity... we must engage in this type of binge drinking more often!