Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Are you my bathroom keeper?

OK, so at my office we have to walk past the security desk to get to the dirty dirty leprochaun-infested bathrooms. This is fine. Not a long walk, nice to get out of the room, look out windows, etc. Also, the security guards are nice people. The problem is one security guard in particular, let's call him ... hmmmmmmmm Gio (with a soft G sound).

So, Gio is a really nice guy. He's probably around my age, always says hello and makes conversation. He's just a leeeetle overly friendly. Like the time he asked to see my hands and then said, "what's wrong with your hands? how does a cute girl like you not have a ring on your finger?" or the time he said, "no disrespect, claire, but you looking really hot today." I WAS wearing a suit that day, and took it as a compliment. He says this to all of the girls I work with. Fine, he's bored, he's a guy, I understand. What I DON'T like is that I walk by him to get to the bathroom.

And he makes conversation every time. And I don't like having someone keep tabs on when I go to the loo, how long I spend there, etc. It makes me really uncomfortable. We have started avoiding going to the loo. Which, let me tell you, isn't fun. I drink a lot of water, Gio. Stop judging my bathroom trips.


J said...

First of all you should start wearing an onion ring on your finger. They're delicious, they are stylish and they are fried in oil. Then he will know that you are taken and that you have great taste in food and jewelry.

There is no second of all.

J said...

Hi Claire,

My Gmail's not working. This is the only way for me to communicate...

claire said...

oh. ok. ummm. hi josh.
how's it going?