Saturday, February 24, 2007

It's a poo sock.

Don't worry about it.

Here are some photos from the latest new hampshire! We began the drive with an obligatory trip to McDonalds, where Josh made friends with Ronald. They're like totally gay for each other.

We gathered with the Mohan clan for dinner on Saturday night - a delicious meal of Venison Pie was enjoyed by most (Erin had a nice veggie version). Sheena outdid herself. It was great. Here we are enjoying a chew with the fam. I think this is cocktail hour.

Sunday morning we enjoyed Donna-made crepes - delish! Here's Hayley, pontificating on the joys of a Sunday morning sled and a breakfast of crepes. Behind her is Zach Morris. For serious. That's his name. Every few minutes he would stop, turn to the side, and explain what we were doing to his imaginary friend. It was a little weird and awkward, but Hayley said not to say anything because he's a little sensitive about it.

On our adventure to Walmart, Josh bought a magical inflating shark. As you can see, it didn't really inflate as much as we had hoped, so we took it out of the gross thick water (that you can see dripping slowly off of the shark's snout. it was gross), so we took it outside and buried it in a snowbank (sorry, Tom). Come April, the Mohans will have a giant shark in their driveway! Super awesome!!

We spent Sunday morning sledding down the hill across the street. It was pretty fantastic. Here you can see our four-person toboggan team. We totally beat the Swiss and represented Jamaica in the Olympics.

It was a great weekend - the perfect break between interviews. Now we have Sheena's visit to New York to look forward to!!


tobs said...

i can't put my finger on exactly what is so funny about josh in that last picture. maybe it's because he's wearing a winter hat, and it looks like maybe his mom forced him to wear it? josh, when you start to get apple-cheeked, it's time to come inside.

J said...

It's true, I never wear winter hats. Erin made me this one for NH, it's actually really nice and warm.

I'd guess it seems odd because I am wearing Sheena's dad's coat, boots and a pair of snow pants, which is hysterical. As you can imagine, they were also somewhat too big. In conclusion, it looks like I am dressed as someone else, possibly someone from NH?