Wednesday, March 07, 2007

i desparately want to take a nap

Sadly, I cannot nap because I am at work. And I'm a little sad that my traditional commute-nap is not going to happen today. But my sadness is vastly overshadowed by my excitement at spending the early evening with this fine young fellow.

Isn't he cute? Yes, I know I have obsessed about Hudson before, but this time I actually get to babysit him. And hang out (read: knit in the living room whilst Hudson sleeps) with him all night long.

Also, for any of you in the city this weekend, Bowling, 10ish, Melody Lanes Saturday night.

There will be a Sheena present. I promise.


GB said...

Happy Birthday - watch that baby, I can tell by the look in his eye he's tasted human before and will kill again.

Flushy McBucketpants said...

happy barfday. i'm pretty sure i'm late on that. or early. or on time. it's confusing with the international date line, the shift in daylight savings, and the constant feeling that i'm being watched by a civil war reenactor. and i'm pretty sure he's giving me the hairy eyeball.

the ears have walls, claire. the ears have walls.