Friday, December 16, 2005

kindred spirit

so i enjoy cupcake's comments on our blogs, but haven't really started to read her blog regularly (sorry cupcake!). that is, until today when i saw that she also knits, and has lots of knitting blog links on her page. awesome! i knit too! i taught sheena how to knit, and sometimes we knit together. usually i make scarves. because i don't have the attention span to use patterns. right now, however, i'm making a hat. it's very exciitng. it has (or will have, eventually) earflaps. it's for sheena.

that's all i got. i'm dealing with my completely selfish disappointment at the lack of subway strike. i really wanted to stay home and knit and play the violin and watch the movies we have. (cold mountain, silver springs, bride and prejudic). but instead, i'm at work. dealing with asshats. thank god we have leftovers from yesterday's holiday party. and by left overs, i obviously mean the bottle of jameson that my boss brought.

that is all.


Cupcake said...

If I were just a fraction stupider I would get that "Born to Knit" icon tattooed on me. What I really want is a "Friends Don't Let Friends Knit Ugly" t-shirt. Are you knitting your hat on circular needles? They'll change your life. Let me know if you ever want to stitch n' bitch.

claire said...

i think you should do it! that would be the best tatoo ever. i AM using circular needles for my hat, although i'm always worried i'm using them wrong. and, more often than not, the hats get twisted and i have a mobeus strip instead of a hat. and then i cry. if i didn't have to score neuropsychological tests all day, i'd be knitting.

Cupcake said...

Actually, I'm holding out for an eggplant tattoo. I don't get twisted on circular needles, but it has happened once or twice on double pointed, after I have already started a sock in a complex pattern. Then you really want to cry.

When ever I start wondering, hey, where did my disposable income go? I look around my apartment at all the yarn, patterns, books, needles and assorted knitting crap and remember ...