Wednesday, December 07, 2005

why is my life controlled by the "most-emailed pictures" section on the page??

i don't know why, but it gives me joy (and sometimes brings tears to my eyes) to see what the american (and whoever else who uses yahoo) people spend their day emailing.

today is no exception, as sam, the ugliest dog ever, makes it to the top spot. again. for like the bazillionth time. i mean, really, aren't we tired of this picture? i've been to the website. there are way more, and uglier, pictures than this. but this is what we get, every time. come on, people, let's get on the ball with this.

****ok, i just went to the website to get more interesting pictures and saw something sad... sam died. on november 18th. i guess that's why he's back in the most emailed pictures. and i'm an asshole. obviously. sorry sam. may you rest in peace. below you will find a photo-memorial to sam. i just couldn't resist. i know what my nightmare will be tonight...

1 comment:

J said...

That is sort of how I imagine Christmas. And now to throw up on my keyboard.