Wednesday, March 08, 2006

How I Got Grownup Furniture OR First Day of the Second Quarter of my Century OR One Foot in the Grave

ok. so, before i begin. take a look at this logo. (it's a furniture company). on a scale of one to fascist...

Anyway, in honor of this auspicious day (it IS a wedensday, after all), I am finally buying (with my parents' help) a real-live, grown-up bed frame. Here's a picture of it. Just subtract the painfully ugly comforter, add three cats, and you'll have it! You can't really tell from this picture, but there's a very nice scalloping on the footboard. It's all hand-made, solid birch, hand-stained fanciness. i'm the fanciest girl in the world. I'm picking it up from my new friend Michael (thank you craigslist) today at 8. if anyone wants to help me transport it, that would be awesome.

Now, i didn't want to tell Michael this, but if you go to the manufacturer's website (of the crazy fascist condor eagle thing), you'll notice the disgustingly high prices of all of their furniture. I like art deco as much as the next girl, but come ON! luckily, Michael isn't a shmuck, didn't spend that much on his bed, and I ended up getting a steal. hooray!! now i just have to save up my money to populate my bedroom with more awesome art deco furniture. Tia, any suggestions??


Cupcake said...

Happy Birthday! Here's Your Present. It involves beds. And Germans.

claire said...

thank you!! i LOVE that video. i wonder how many germans got really really pissed off. i'd like to see those people too.