Friday, March 03, 2006

you, too, can be philanthropic!

My sister is running in a Relay for Life in Middlebury, and I thought some of you might want to donate money to go to cancer research.

here is the link, and i'll paste ali's letter below.
Two years ago, my friend Annie lost her mom to breast cancer. It's a tragedy that will stay with her for the rest of her life, and one that no one should have to go through. In an effort to ensure that no one else loses a loved one to this disease, my friends and I are participating in Relay for Life at Middlebury College.

Relay is an overnight event that unites our community in a common effort to support the American Cancer Society’s lifesaving mission to eliminate cancer as a major health problem. The Society works every day to prevent cancer and save lives by supporting groundbreaking research, affecting public policies that protect us from cancer, and educating people on how to prevent or detect cancer early. The Society helps people in our community who have cancer through its many programs and services. Together, we can help the American Cancer Society accelerate the progress toward a cancer-free future.

I hope you’ll be able to join us for this year’s event. Please click on the link below for more information, including details on the inspirational Survivors’ Lap and the moving Luminaria Ceremony. If you can’t join us, will you please visit the site and make a donation to support our efforts? Either way, you will make a real difference in the lives of people facing cancer – and in the lives of the people who love them. Thank you!
Also, please forward this email to anyone you think would be interested in this cause!
Thanks so much!!

Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support Relay For Life of Middlebury College

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