Monday, March 20, 2006

Why yes, those ARE yoga pants under my soccer shorts. Why do you ask?

Castle Greyskull FC has made the switch to an outdoor (weirdo turf) field! We had our first game yesterday (click here for full rundown). We had some new additions in the form of awesomely tall and talented guys, and a pretty great carrie cheek (who is neither tall, nor a guy, but sure is talented). And we also played in 10 degree weather, yes it did snow in the middle of the game. Thanks to our loyal fan, Andy, who came and sat all by his lonesome in the stands and froze. He tried to cheer, but his voice box froze. A for effort, dude.

True to form, we lost our first game (this is so that we can lull the rest of the league into a false sense of security and then come back from the brink to nearly clinch the title. BUT BUT BUT we did NOT lose this game 11-1 as we did last season. no. this was a more respectable 4-0. i would have liked there to be at least one goal for us, but as i ran around in circles in the back corner, i can't really complain.

viva hacienda greyskull!!


Anonymous said...

4-0 might sound better than 11-1, but as I explained before, 11 is only 11 times more than 1... but 4 is infinite times more than zero. That's alot more times. Just thought you should know.

claire said...

you crazy math weirdo. logically, that might be true.

but in reality, letting four goals in as opposed to letting eleven goals in is way better. and getting one goal is only a little better than getting none. i mean, you know, soccer isn't the most logical game.