Thursday, April 13, 2006

chag sameach, mother f**ker.

Happy Passover!!! In celebration of one of my favorite holidays josh, seth, and chris joined sheena and myself for our very first grown-up seder (pictures will be forthcoming from josh and/or sheena).

So, obviously, I had my mom send me the seder plate I made when I was 3 and some extra haggadot for the occasion. My mom said (hi mom!) that they had recently bought new haggadahs and so she would send me the old ones. Now, we've been using the Family Concise Seder for about six or seven years now, so I figured these had been retired and I would get to use them.

No. Mom was talking about the Passover Haggadah, printed in 1981 and unseen by my eyes since maybe 1987. I've included the first paragraph of the first page, just to give you a petit goux of the evening's entertainment. Below is an actual quote. I'm not paraphrasing. I swear.

"The redemption of the children of Israel from Egypt is the archetype - the first great historical instance and everlastingly inspiring example - of all liberations of oppressed and enslaved peoples. In the heart of our people, it is indelibly inscribed as Israel's primal birth of freedom - the grand Divinely ordered step leading to our acceptance of the Sacred Torah at Sinai and our march through the desert to glorious nationhood in the Promised Land."

wow, right? wow indeed. Also, we were supposed to tell the wicked son that if he had been in Egypt with the slaves, he would have been left behind. because he's a tool.

We made our way through the service, Seth sang the four questions beautifully in a high, clear, pre-pubescent voice. We made and ate the Hillel sandwiches. And then to the dinner! Seth brought really really good matzah ball soup, Josh brought the Gefilte fish and horseradish, and I made brisket (which apparently tasted ok: it was an adventure as i've not cooked meat since i was about twelve). Sheena provided the amazing flourless chocolate cake, and we worked through quite a few bottles of pesadiccha wine. All in all, I think it was a success and I can't wait for next year! if not in jerusalem, then at least at my place with new haggadot.

oh! and seth found the afikomen. he got a dollar coin as a reward. sweet!


J said...

It was like it was written by a robot!

tobs said...

seth always finds the fucking afikomen.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the haggadahs (dot?). Why do you think we got the new concise ones? By the way, Joe set a new record of 35 minutes from start to finish (no Go Down Moses by popular demand.)