Friday, April 21, 2006

come on people, i need help.

So. Allergies. Hmmmm?

To your left you will see HayFever causing pollen. This is the enemy, people. I'm almost sure of it.

Growing up in Sunny SoCal, I had no experience with allergies (aside from hearing horror stories about how miserable my dad was when he lived in new york and then in washington d.c.). I think the main reason my parents stayed in Los Angeles was the fact that my dad wasn't allergic to much there.

And then I moved to New York.

I don't really know the mechanisms (I'll just have to check wikipedia on this), but for some reason I have allergies now. Either I have allergies, or my brain is exploding and I'm losing my mind. I mean, this is a distinct possibility. So I took some alavert yesterday, to help with my fuzzy headed sneezing craziness. and I am happy to report that I have not sneezed all day. awesome.

BUT. instead of sneezing with a fuzzy head. now i'm just sitting here at my computer feeling all crazy like. who knows a good allergy medicine that won't make me catatonic at work??? let's go! everyone get in on this.

it's going to be a very long allergy season if we don't figure this out! because i'm not one to suffer in silence.


J said...

Whiskey obviously.

claire said...

i think we all remember what happened the last time i drank whiskey.

all i will say is that i now know why the trash cans on subway platforms are that tall.

Anonymous said...

I take zyrtec as a sleeping pill, so that may give you some idea.

try claritan--it's clear!