Wednesday, April 26, 2006

haircuts up the wazoo... or ... hairapalooza

Sheena and I had a haircut date today. You may not be able to see the cuts in their full glory, but sheena's looks fantastic, if i do say so myself. mine is also nice. sheena says i look like my mom a lot now.

Also seen in above photo are the socks that Ms. Cupcake made for us. they are AWESOME!!! some day. some day, i hope to make socks. maybe cupcake can help me. just maybe. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

You both look fabulous. Sheena, I take that as quite the compliment.

Cupcake said...

The socks look comfy- I was wondering who took which pair. I had my hair cut in Chicago and it was fabulous. Too bad I will never again be able to replicate the sleek, shiny bob. I am blow-dry retarded, turns out.

Claire, someday you will master socks. It is your destiny.