Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"there has been talk of you helping out with these studies. you will NOT have to. I PROMISE"

That is what one of my bosses said to me about a month ago regarding our two Hepatitis-C studies, one involving an antidepressant double blind placebo study (i just turned you on hardcore, huh?) and one involving two MRIs, two PET scans, and about a million man hours per subject.

so guess what today's meeting was about? ME TAKING OVER THE FUCKING STUDIES.

I mean, I know that one of my other studies is ending Friday, but I still have three-four other studies to do, I'm still pretty damned busy every day. Sheena will vouch for that, as I never have enough time to chat with her on the g-chat.

Oh, Hepatitis-C you have ruined me. RUINED ME!

Ok, that's it. I just needed to vent a little. Also to let you know, oh loyal five readers, that my posting might fall along the wayside. stick with me. dealing with hep-c subjects is sure to yield many many hilarious stories of disease and hijinks.


Anonymous said...

whine, whine, moan, moan. You could be in grad school, drinking coffee and laying out on the quad.

claire said...

soon enough, my friend. soon enough. although i don't think that i'll be laying out on the quad. i think that i'll be running around like a headless chicken.

at least it's something to look forward to.

Cupcake said...

If you get to pick your subjects, request Pamela Anderson. She won't shut up about the damn Hep!

More illustrations, please.