Monday, May 08, 2006

well, it's obvious that skeletor is out to get us.

Castle Greyskull FC had another rousing game yesterday. Marty recruited Bill, a keeper for the red team, and his girlfriend Leah to play with us, which was nice. because new blood is always nice, and they are very good players. But we didn't warn Bill the Keeper and Leah about the Greyskull curse.

(So, I don't know if you know the curse that greyskull has been carrying lo these many months. We've lost two of our rostered players to pretty serious injuries. Nora took a kick to the leg that twisted her knee something aweful, and Owen went down with something like three torn ligaments in his ankle. none of the other teams we've ever played have had injuries during the game.)

Anyway, the game began normally enough, we had some good almost goals and were pretty awesome on the defense, with the amazing help of Bill the Keeper. he's a pretty intense player, but very nice. Last week he was the keeper who hugged my leg and took me down because he was afraid that he'd destroy my knee if he didn't. thanks, Bill. This week, during one of the corner kicks, he actually yelled "I GO" and then shoved me out of the way so that he could defend his goal. I didn't really mind, i was more surprised than hurt, but Vlad (our ukranian ref) gave him a talking to and told him he'd card him if he didn't stop "pushing girls". oh, vlad, i love you in shorts.

Anyway, here we were, at the end of the first half (i think we were already down by 2), and the blue team came up to our goal, there was a flury of defending, Bill the Keeper leapt into the air, and immediately started screaming. like before he landed he was screaming. at first (and this is embarrassing to say), i thought he was just hamming it up to get some sort of direct kick for us. and i thought, "way to ham it up, Bill the Keeper! this is just what we need! a little dramatics!" but then, a split second later, when he was rolling on the ground screaming, "oh god, oh god no, oh god no" i decided that he probably wasn't hamming it up.

Apparently Bill the Keeper heard popping in his knee, and couldn't move the bottom half of his leg. not a good sign. Will called the ambulance and we started playing the second half, but it was hard to keep the focus up, what with Bill the Keeper sitting on the steps. Seth stepped into the net and did a fabulous job of defending. We ended the game at, i think, 5-0. not the majestic comeback we had been hoping for after last week, but i think we all played pretty well.

I wish there was some way for us to be rid of the curse of skeletor! can we burn something? do a dance around the teamgeist? anything? I just feel bad, because Bill the Keeper was doing us a favor. He's not even on the team. and now his knee's all disconnected and shit.

Now we only have two more games, so if you want to come and cheer greyskull on, you're running out of time. It's way fun. you can bring us more orange slices!! also, you can be there to ride in the ambulance with whomever falls subject to the curse next. i hope it's not vlad.


Cupcake said...

Book recomendation: "The Miracle of Castel di Sangro" by Joe McGuiness. It's about a ragtag Italian soccer team from a poor region that beats the odds, kinda. Maybe it was inspire your beleagured team. Um, skip the ending to keep the hope alive.

Sheena said...

There is really nothing better than Vlad in shorts.

Poor Bill the Keeper. I hope he's ok.

Flushy McBucketpants said...

We should get him a get well card. I'm still totally bummed about that. The popping sound was just fucking harrowing. Thinking about it still gives me chills.

claire said...

do you know his email or phone number? have you heard any news? you're our contact to the guy, man. it was way gross. i hope he doesn't have to have it ampuated.

Flushy McBucketpants said...

I don't have his contact info, but I imagine Leah will be there on Sunday. Marty or Tera might have his email address...