Monday, May 15, 2006

"I would pay a hooker money just to scratch my back"

I've decided that, as much as possible, my blog titles will be things I overhear. The above title was overheard whilst in line for the loo at Vol de Nuit (beer garden in the village). There was a couple sitting to the side of the line; the guy said that his back was itchy, then said he'd hire a hooker to scratch it for him. to which the girlfriend replied, "what does that say about me?" Good question, lame girl. Good question.

Saturday I spent the day perusing Just Kids Nostalgia (a collectables shop that also has records and cds), which was pretty awesome. I found the soundtrack to the Battlefield Earth BOOK. COMPOSED BY L.RON.HUBBARD.

I want to be clear about this. It is the soundtrack to the BOOK. not the movie. and inside there are descriptions of all of the "songs" and the "religion". pretty awesome. If I had a record player I would have bought it.

All in all it was a nice day in Huntington with the Farrells. I helped with the table of complimentary snacks. and ate too much costco brand guacamole. it was tasty.

Sunday, not to rock the boat, Castle Greyskull FC (after an early lead that really pissed the other team off) lost again to FC Hammer. Drew got into a row with one of the girls who took offense to the fact that he was playing soccer like he meant it. Apparently, guys on other teams can beat the Greyskull girls up (like the soccer ball that Insha took to the nose yesterday) but the minute we're in the lead, our guys are bullies. go figure.

Don't worry, Drew didn't beat anyone up, and we lost the lead after the first half and ended the game down 3-1. Par for the course, really. I think we played pretty well. Will scored in the first half, and we had some seriously solid defense. Our downfall, you see, was this kid, Jamie, who is not in the league and doesn't know anyone on any of the teams. He was hanging out at the field asking if he could join a game. When Marty confronted the other team about their obvious ringer (he had also asked us if he could play and we told him no because we're good people and don't hate freedom), they said, "no, he's on the team." liars. lying liars of lies. We could have beat them if not for that kid. he had happy feet. Oh well. As I told Seth, we wouldn't want to ruin our streak anyway.


Flushy McBucketpants said...

I didn't just score... I volleyed a shot into the lower 90. I'm generally not one to gloat, but it was fucking great goal. I've managed something like that in a match only maybe five times in seventeen years of playing the game...

... anyway, greyskull played well. We had a fair number of scoring opportunities and other than a couple of late game lapses, our defense was strong, like bull. And who knows? Maybe next week I'll actually be able to start our game fresh... we play the red team again, I think. Bill's out injured. So unless they pick up a ringer for a keeper, I think we might be able to pull one out.

J said...

It was a great goal and that Will is right, we really do a stand a chance to end things with a win against those commies.

claire said...

you guys will have to win it for me. maybe i'm the bad luck? maybe because i'm not there you guys will win like 8-1.

will, it was an amazing goal. and it really pissed those girls off. well played.